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Become a Patron of


Bishop Michael Gielen, Bishop of Christchurch, has given his Blessing to the appointment of 100 Patrons of the Chapel of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, the new Chapel being established as part of the new campus for Marian College. 


Establishing a Chapel for the school will allow our students to grow their faith and provide sanctuary when the days are tough. It will be the heart of the school - a place of celebration, of contemplation and of fulfilment.


Our Patrons will be part of a community that is supportive of the Catholic faith, Marian college and the wider Marian family and have a seat named on a pew in the Chapel in recognition of their commitment to the Marian College community.


In addition Patrons will be included, should they wish, on the Campaign Honour Board, prayed for by those worshiping in the Chapel, included in the ‘Book of Patrons’, outlining the backgrounds of each Patron and invited to the Annual Mass for the Patrons of the Chapel of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, celebrated by the Bishop of Christchurch.


Established as part of Our New Home - the Campaign for Marian College, Patrons will have made a gift of $10,000 or higher over a period of up to five years. Please consider this unique opportunity to create a lasting legacy for the Marian community.

The Chapel of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop

“I invite you to help bring about this place of encounter, a place where students and teachers are brought into life-changing contact with Jesus and Mary.”


© 2023 - The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch 

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